The Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back – The 3 Steps to Overcoming Them

If you haven’t been in a good place at work, hitting your target requires more than just hard work—it requires a mindset shift. Everyone has limiting beliefs holding them back (even if they don’t want to acknowledge them) but if you don’t address the negative, limiting beliefs holding you back, you’ll struggle to push through and achieve your goals. So how do you tackle these mental roadblocks and set yourself up for success?

Step 1: Identify Your Limiting Beliefs

  • Write Down Your Target: Start by writing down the target you’re chasing this month. Whether it’s $20,000, $50,000, or even $150,000, put it on paper.
  • List Your Limiting Beliefs: Next, take a moment to think about all the negative thoughts or self-doubts that might prevent you from hitting that target. Write them down. It could be anything from “I can’t find candidates” to “I’ve never hit this target before, so I probably won’t this time.”

Step 2: Challenge Your Beliefs

  • Ask Yourself, “Is It True?” For each limiting belief, ask yourself if it’s genuinely true. Often, you’ll find that these beliefs are just mental blocks with no basis in reality. For example, if you think “There are no candidates in the market,” challenge that thought. Is it really true, or is it just your mind playing tricks on you?

Step 3: Flip the Script

  • Write the Opposite Belief: Now, for each limiting belief, write down the exact opposite. If you wrote, “There are no candidates,” flip it to, “There are plenty of candidates; I just need to find them.” These positive statements become your new affirmations—your brain hack cheat sheet for the month.
  • Read, Meditate, Repeat: Make a habit of reading your positive beliefs daily—morning, noon, and night. You can even record yourself reading them and listen to the audio throughout the day. This repetition will help rewire your brain, replacing negativity with positivity.

Bonus Tip: Have Fun With It

  • Introduce Randomness: Ever noticed how a random object in a video can catch your attention? Try adding something quirky or unexpected to your workspace or social media content—it might just boost your engagement. For example, our podcast host started using a massive 4-litre Yeti bottle in videos, not just to stay hydrated but to see if it would increase views on TikTok!

By identifying, challenging, and flipping your limiting beliefs, you’ll be in a much stronger mental position to hit—and even exceed—your targets. Remember, your mind is your most powerful tool. Use it wisely, and success will follow