September 12, 2024

Ep 162 – How We DOUBLED an Agency’s Revenue in Just 30 Days..

We took took an agency’s average month of $140k and we elevated it to over $300k in just one month! And we want to share EXACTLY how we did it in a step-by-step, easy to follow playbook that you can implement immediately with your team.

So this ep is your playbook for doubling your agency’s monthly revenue! 

Mindset was the most important ingredient to success.

Recruiters need to ask themselves:

  • What is the best month you’ve ever done?
  • What are you confident in hitting this month? 
  • What are your limiting beliefs around hitting that number?

This ep dives into how to take the responses to the above questions to create a successful mindset and incentive package. It’s amazing how well it works.

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To Celebrate The Lone Recruiter's 200th Podcast Episode, you can....

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Valued at $899. 

Subscribe before March 26th to go in the draw!

*Competition will be drawn on the podcast airing 27th March. Tune in via Spotify or Youtube.