About Brett
Even if you work for a big recruitment agency, recruitment can be a lonely game. Like any sales role, it’s a job that demands high energy, high emotional intelligence and when things go wrong and you get that dreaded donut month, it feels like it falls all on you.
I started the Lone Recruiter Podcast with the initial intention to provide motivation, mindset & technical advice to recruiters out on their own but that quickly expanded as feedback from big agency recruiters noted how helpful they found the episodes.
So my ultimate goal is to help as many recruiters as I can not just level up their recruitment skills & make more money, but become stronger, more resilient people along the way through mindset & motivation.
Behind the Podcast
As many recruiters do, I fell into the profession and at the beginning I HATED it. Now I bill an average of $750k/year but it wasn’t always that rosy.
As a starting recruiter, I quit after 6 weeks.
BUT fortunately, I had a Manager who believed that it wasn’t recruitment that was the issue, it was that I was in the wrong market, so I transitioned into the Engineering sector & now almost 20 years later, I haven’t looked back.
Just over 10 years ago I went out on my own & founded ALRA, a now thriving agency but boy oh boy it wasn’t without it’s challenges. Every up & down that you can have, we have had. So I honestly believe I am uniquely positioned to help recruiters on their journey towards higher levels of success.
Out of all the lessons I have learned about recruitment in the last 20 years, the biggest one is this.
Own your mindset, own the game
Motivation & mindset, recruitment tips, advice & more straight to your inbox.
Valued at $899.
Subscribe before March 26th to go in the draw!
*Competition will be drawn on the podcast airing 27th March. Tune in via Spotify or Youtube.